An uneven sense of reality

Lately, it seems like there's very little activity in my day that I find my mind thinking about consciously. I'm floating through the hours on autopilot, not quite being able to distinguish one the other. I feel like I know exactly how each day will play out, down to the last minute. And yet, there's still a part of me that goes to bed every night in hope that I wake up to a day that is different from the one that I'm putting to bed.

This has been my reality for a long time now. I feel almost unhinged sometimes. Like I'm part of a simulation where I'm both the character and the controller/ player. Like I've been given all the tools to pass a level, but am staring at them completely clueless not knowing how to make use of them in a way that makes any sense. 🤷🏽‍♀️

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Neha Dani

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